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Sunday, November 11, 2012

What we rarely notice is the foundation of our Freedom

I am a 27 year old conservative that knows AMERICA is on the hook, and we the people are solely responsible for everything our Government does. An example would be them spending Trillions that does not exist! All the while, luring us in, then demand that we need to pay more!!!

All of the Politicians use these three keys to keeping us uninformed:

- never mention the revenue
- leave a majority of statements open-ended
- Say Something Stupid, while smiling!

Why is it that they haven't tried to help give us taxpayer's a break? If we want to take our Country back, we must first, END THE FED!!

Nearly half of this country is on Government Aid, sucking down our resources without ever paying a dime! They get free health care, ours goes up!!! They want an equal opportunity because they didn't attend or graduate from a University.

We should let them live life broke, and give them free food, thats it. No public Housing, No Cell phones, Internet, tuition, and all the other handouts the government will hand to them!

We need to put a stop to this monetary madness going on in Washington D.C !

That's what a conservative does, cuts unnecessary spending! I had to turn off my cell, my Directv, give up two cars, still paying on both, had to buy another one to go to work, gas went up to $5.69/gal. I have since lost everything but my home, and my family, everything else is unnecessary.

Mitt Romney: $2 Billion on Campaign
Barack Obama: $4 Billion on Campaign

FREEDOM: Priceless,

Some things money can't buy, but for everything else there's the FEDERAL RESERVE

The total cost of the election is close to $6 Billion, how much of that is for schools?....0
Or, feeding the poor?....0
So tell me that you really believe that the government has your best interest at heart? Even though they have never met you? We are the government, so why do we not have access to the same money they get to spend? Or do we??

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/11/2012

    Well said Greg, however what are you doing to ensure our freedoms?


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